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Our Story

Simon Apunte and Kyle Woods are coaches, training partners, and friends brought together by an unwavering passion for Muay Thai. Their journey, marked by countless hours of training, personal growth, and mutual support from the corner of the ring, has deepened their love for this transformative art. Muay Thai has enriched their lives beyond measure, instilling wisdom, confidence, discipline, and unparalleled skill, and fueled by a desire to share this passion with their community, they founded Alliance Thai Boxing Academy. Their goal is to inspire others through the art of Muay Thai, giving back the invaluable lessons they have learned along the way.

"Coaches Simon Apunte and Kyle Woods in a boxing ring, smiling after a playful elbow exchange, showcasing their camaraderie a


Alliance Thai Boxing Academy aims to inspire our students through teaching the traditional art of Muay Thai with a family feel, fostering a community of confident individuals who uplift one another through fortitude, discipline, and care.

Growth Focused Training

At Alliance Thai Boxing Academy, our core focus is on growth—both personal and for the sport of Muay Thai. We believe that a supportive environment enhances the learning experience, creating a positive domino effect that motivates our students and staff to become the best versions of themselves. We achieve this through patient care, discipline, and a firm belief that Muay Thai can improve the life of anyone committed to personal growth.

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